December 25, 2005
sandy's toy

Here we sit Christmas day in our jammies watching this marvelous little toy my wife recieved in the post from our son Paul. It reminds of the song by John Denver, Marvelous Toy:
It went "zip" when it moved
and "bop" when it stopped
And "whirr" when it stood still
I never knew just what it was
and I guess I never will
It scampers across the floor and whirls around. It sounds like one of those remote control cars I bought the kids when they were youngsters. It has a little robot sound when it starts up and it has lights that blink and it can back up when it runs into something. We sit and watch it for hours and there is even a bonus. According to the literature that came with it, this marvelous little toy vacuums the floor as it travels along. Yes I said vacuums the floor. My wife is absolutely giddy with joy. It is called a Roomba. I will post more when I discover what else it can do. I am hoping it will do windows and cut the grass in the summer. Click here for a video clip (4megs).
Posted by jhyden at 11:55 AM | Comments (2)
December 22, 2005
erin's turn

It's Erin's turn with her middle school Christmas concert. Click here for the video clip
Posted by jhyden at 10:32 AM
December 17, 2005
bre's xmas concert

Ok, it's time to be a proud parent again so please indulge us this posting. Breanna's high school had their concert last week and I include a small clip here. The file is 5.6 megs so, if you have a dial up, you will be waiting a while. The young pianist is Jenny, one of Breanna's friends.
Posted by jhyden at 03:17 PM | Comments (3)
December 11, 2005

When we went to find our tree we found these snowmen. They look vaguely familiar. If you click here you can go along for a few seconds on a hay ride. Hang on though because it was a bumpy ride through the woods.
Posted by jhyden at 06:20 PM
December 10, 2005
we'll take 'er

We here it is; Fuzzy. Click here for a video of Sandy trying it on for the first time in the wig shop. What do you think?
Posted by jhyden at 03:34 PM | Comments (5)
December 07, 2005
everything looks great

Sandy visited with Dr. White, her neurosurgeon, and his assistant, Bethany. The good doctor said, "everything looks great" to describe the results of Sandy's latest MRI. You can hear his very words in this video.
Posted by jhyden at 04:16 PM | Comments (5)
December 04, 2005
Five inches of new snow
All is well here at the farm house. Sandy ordered her new prosthetic hair piece yesterday. I will post photos when she receives it at the end of the week.
Posted by jhyden at 08:41 AM | Comments (3)