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December 17, 2005
bre's xmas concert

Ok, it's time to be a proud parent again so please indulge us this posting. Breanna's high school had their concert last week and I include a small clip here. The file is 5.6 megs so, if you have a dial up, you will be waiting a while. The young pianist is Jenny, one of Breanna's friends.
Posted by jhyden at December 17, 2005 03:17 PM
Contratulations Breanna! You guys sound wonderful! John, thanks for putting the short clip on here. Thanks for the Christmas card and for the great pictures! Have a blessed Christmas!
Posted by: Tish at December 21, 2005 02:08 AM
You are very welcome Tish and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Posted by: john at December 21, 2005 11:31 AM
It was wonderful to talk to you. You have such strength of spirit! We will be keeping you and your family in our prayers! Have a wonderful Christmas.
Love and hugs,
Cheri, Danny, Aly and Kelsey
Posted by: Cheri and Danny at December 21, 2005 07:55 PM