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December 07, 2005
everything looks great

Sandy visited with Dr. White, her neurosurgeon, and his assistant, Bethany. The good doctor said, "everything looks great" to describe the results of Sandy's latest MRI. You can hear his very words in this video.
Posted by jhyden at December 7, 2005 04:16 PM
So Cool! Thank You God! St. Therese, you are Sandy's guardian angel. We are so very happy for you Sandy! May God continue to bless you and keep you in his hands. May St. Therese continue to watch over you.
Love, The Widen's.
Posted by: widen at December 7, 2005 09:47 PM
What great news!!! Thanks so much for the update on Sandy! I really am excited about her report...an answer to many prayers!
Tell Sandy that I love wigs and buy them and hair pieces all the time. I don't wear them often but just love having them to flop on "in case of emergency" (aka a bad hair day). I have a new "fall" that I wear fairly often and love.
Take care and enjoy all that pretty snow! I posted on your snow picture page tonight.
Love you,
Posted by: Tish at December 8, 2005 06:52 AM
Hi John,
Sandy and I are talking on the phone, bet you thought that never happens, and she said that you look at her website while at work...must be a hard job. She just wanted to let you know she is fine, she is done cleaning finally. She did the mirrors so that she can look at her new "Fuzzy" in a clean mirror, so please don't mess up the mirror. Otherwise she is doing fine just patiently waiting for Mike and Sally to show up so they can go shopping. One of her favorite things to do because she does go shopping daily.
We were wondering if the picture you posted of all the wigs did you want us to pick which one we want her to have because if you do we will have to have another sibling meeting to chose which one we would like her to have. Let me know.
She wanted me to tell you she loves you and she has the cell phone with her while she is shopping so if you need to call her she will have it on.
Lori, Jimmy, Otis and Sadie
Posted by: Lori at December 8, 2005 11:24 AM
What great news. And you look like a million bucks too.
We had a great time shopping with Sandy. Although we had the mall on our destination list, Mike wanted to go to American where he pointed to a camel statue he wanted (sorry hon - way too expensive) but I got a set of brass bookends. So even though we didn't make it to the mall, shopping was a success.
But the enjoyment didn't stop there. While John, Sandy, and Erin were at parent-teacher conference, we had a wonderful time with Breanna making stuffed shells. Dinner was a hit. Those 2-hours at the dinner table laughing and visiting just flew by. If it weren't for the late hour and the snow storm outside, we might have lasted longer.
With such young great cooks in the family, I am getting excited about X-mas dinner...not to mention the presents, of course.
Thanx again for hosting our visit and keep smiling because you all are so beautiful. Hugs and kisses - Mike and Sally.
Posted by: Mike and Sally at December 9, 2005 07:36 PM
I am anxious to see who gets the goodwill gifts this year. With my luck, it will be us. American called; they said the credit card charge went through so the camel is wrapped and ready to be picked up.
Stay tuned; Sandy picks up her new hair today. I will post photos.
Too late; Sandy already picked out Fuzzy.
Posted by: John at December 10, 2005 08:57 AM