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August 18, 2005
back to school
This is Sandy's favorite time of year. Like she and her colleagues at Tippecanoe Elementary School for the Humanties have done for the past sixteen late summer seasons, Sandy is preparing her classroom to be a cozy place of learning. It's time to put up bullentine boards with cutesy little flower faces, frogs, or maybe even rocket ships. This year the theme is "Learning for the Future". The book shelves need to be stocked with reading books, math manipulatives, and assorted other fun things to motivate her young scholars. She is sharing her third grade classroom this year with another warm and caring teacher, Leah
Before you start to worry though, Sandy will not be in class the first day of school much to her disapointment. She will not return until she has completely recovered from her radiation treatments in October.
I photographed Sandy with some of the other teachers that were around the building yesterday working on their own time like Sandy. Teachers do not officaially start this year until October 30. Oops I mean August 30. Thanks for the comment Lori. From left to right: Denice ,Carrie ,Deb ,Abby, and Heather.

Click to enlarge.

Posted by jhyden at August 18, 2005 06:27 AM