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September 30, 2005

good news


Sandy received some good news and some bad news today. Her MRI showed no signs of cancer and her blood count was up. The only bad news was minor in comparison. The increased chemo dosage made Sandy very sick to her stomache. Today, Sandy had to spend about an hour and half sitting while some fluid was delivered through an infusion pump. I have a short clip of her finishing the session. Click here to see the video. The nurse in the video is Melanie.

To combat the added naseau, the doctor prescibed some new medication.

Posted by jhyden at September 30, 2005 12:38 PM

Sandy... that is overall great news.

Sorry to hear about the nausea... I hope that they can tweak your other medication to help with that.

Love ya!

Posted by: Paul at October 3, 2005 09:17 AM